
As a former border town between Denmark and the Holy Roman Empire, Tönnig had an important position in the region early on. Go exploring and experience the history of Tönning. Situated on the Eider River, Tönning offers the ideal starting point for a boat trip, including the lock through the Eider Barrage.


St. Peter Ording – “Germany’s largest sandbox” invites you to unwind. Whether it’s a relaxing walk on the beach, “Schietwedder” in the dune spa or strolling through the small stores. For young and old there is something for everyone.

Baltic coast & Schlei region

Die Flensburger und Kieler Innenstadt bieten vielfältige Einkaufsmöglichkeiten und sind immer einen Besuch wert.

Auf den Spuren der Wikinger wandern Sie in Haitabu (Link zu https://haithabu.de/). Als UNESCO Welterbe bietet der wikingerzeitliche Handelsplatz einen Ausflug in die Geschichte.

Emil Nolde

Near the Danish border in Seebüll, the Emil Nolde Museum (link https://www.nolde-stiftung.de ) invites you to visit. The former home and studio of Emil Nolde awaits you with an exhibition, café and garden landscape.